Web informative platform "Honduras ETA"
For the crisis originated due to hurricane ETA in Honduras, I observed that there was a lot of people posting and sharing different information related to donations, ways to help and places to reach for it.
There was a lot of data being shared, and there was no centralization of it, which could led to lost information. To help with that, I developed a platform to centralize some of this information, where people could find some places to donate and what they were needing, and where they could also register new places to go to.
It was a short duration project, I practically developed it in a day, so it probably had a lot of things that could have been improved. However, it achieved the desired goal at a moment of emergency.
Working on this, besides providing a small help to my country, led me to collaborate with some organizations and very talented people that were interested in finding ways to improve the situation.
You can check out thw ebsite with mock data at:
Github repo:
Used Technologies
- Node Js
- React Js
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Postgresql
- Express
- Linode
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