Control and monitoring field agents system


This project was proposed because I observed that a lot of the activities that were done during the control and monitoring process, were generating delays related to data transcription, data validation and generation of reports. Data was also not being centralized in any concrete database.

The project was accepted and after that, I proceeded with its analysis, design and implementation. I used as a base, the project that had done for the warehouse.

The project, consisted of two subsystems:

  • Web app for control center supervisors

The supervisors have the possibility of visualizing all information generated by the field agents on their shifts with the mobile app, besides having the possibility of manually registering. They also have access to some reports, like the guard rounds, which can be visualizad in a map, attendance, movements, etc.

A alarm module was also implemented, to detect emergencies reported by field agents on real time, using sockets and their mobile phones.

  • Mobile app for field agents

Field agents basically have the option of registering their attendance, activities and guard rounds. The app uses geolocation to validate that the guards are located at the enterprise they are reporting from.

Both systems were integrated through a REST API.

Used Technologies

  • node-js Node Js
  • node-js React Js
  • node-js CSS3
  • node-js Bootstrap & React Bootstrap
  • node-js HTML5
  • node-js Postgresql
  • node-js Express
  • node-js Java
  • node-js

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